Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I operate under the assumption that the people who read my blog know me. Know my story. My past. How I got to this point in my life and the hard-fought battles that brought me here.
I assume that my readers know I once tipped the scales at 286 pounds (this was just last year!) and that today I weigh somewhere around 160 pounds. I assume you know about how I have changed my relationship with food as well. I eat to live (actually eat to thrive would be a better way to describe it) instead of live to eat. I assume you also know I am a vegan and damn proud of it.
I feel like you must also know that I am new to running. New to cycling. Heck, I’m new to pretty much any activity that doesn’t involve DVR and a remote control. You know that I am no expert. You know that I can’t tell you what it feels like to finish a marathon or log 100 miles in a month or what it feels like when you bonk or hit the wall or what it feels like to ride for 100 miles or even 100K. You know that I am a novice at best. I am no expert and I am far from being a seasoned vet.
You know that I have lost weight but that this is not a weight loss blog. You know health and fitness are my main focuses right now and that I eat a plant-strong whole foods diet and don’t focus on counting calories or points or any of that stuff.  You know I would rather be moving than sitting still and that this has brought me such happiness.
You know all of this. Right?
Maybe you do, maybe you don’t.
Maybe you know some of it but not the whole story.
Or maybe you know nothing about me at all.

I saw this picture this morning on Facebook (where else, right?) and it made me think about something.  Reading a post on a blog is like looking at a photo. A snapshot frozen in time of a specific place or event. I tell you a story and you are able to experience it with me. It’s really very cool.
However, someone new to my story or this blog may not understand what it took to get me where I am today especially since this is a brand new blog and my stories about my journey and struggles are documented elsewhere. Which is kind of strange.
So what I wanted to say to you (yes, I am finally getting to my point) is that as I share with you these snapshots of my life I hope you will recognize that I am able to be here because I took that first step. Somewhere, in the depths of my soul, I was able to muster up enough courage to set off on my journey. The journey that has changed my life.
You and I, more than likely, are at different points along our paths. We may be working every day towards a similar goal but our days are different. But what I realized this morning, looking at that photo, is that even if our paths are different they both started from the same point- that first step. And that is what connects us together- our common thread.
So, maybe you don’t need to know my entire life story, or each and every one of my weird idiosyncrasies, to understand me. You know who I am because, like you, I am someone who was courageous enough to go after what I wanted all by taking that first step.
Maybe this snapshot is enough for you to understand the bigger picture.


  1. This is a great post. I checked out your blog through Jessica and have really been enjoying it. Keep up the good work and preaching the good word :)

    1. Thank you so much! It's nice to meet you!

      Now I will go read your blog... :)

  2. "I’m new to pretty much any activity that doesn’t involve DVR and a remote control." literally made me laugh out loud. That's so me! :)

    Great post as always, Dacia!

    1. Thanks Andrea! I no longer have DVR (or cable) so that helps. Lol!

  3. Wow.. Great post! I honestly didn't know about your past b/c I/m still not good at the whole blogger thing & reading as much as I probably should. Heck, getting on my computer regularly is a struggle of mine b/c I am always running around here & there doing stuff & whatnot, but I logged on to read this b/c my iphone was being a piss-ant & wouldn't let me comment lol At any rate, glad I did.

    I didn't really need to know about your past because you have come across to me as a great person. Just a normal, everyday person who is trying to get out there just like the rest of us. HUGE respect to you for putting this out there. But first & foremost, for taking those first steps that needed to be taken to get your life back. You obviously have changed your life around completely & I congratulate you for that. Amazing what we can do when we really try aye?!

    I myself have had struggles over the past few years with my weight.. (emotional issues I'll never get over, but working on accepting them.) but have lost 53ish pounds since summer/fall 2011. Your story is just a reminder that we can do anything we put our minds to.

    Running, as with most things is simply one foot in front of the other as you & I have figured out. Easier said than done, but you have proven that when you began walking & walking & walking.. One step at a time & you'll eventually get to where you need to be. You are there my friend. Congratulations once again on your accomplishments. Lets keep on truckin' :)

    P.S. I'm just over the memphis bridge so anytime you're in the area or I head to Tejas, we should run a halfmary or something since thats what us runners do now a days ;)

    1. Thanks Kristy! Your comment totally made me cry! <3

      I am so thankful and lucky to be surrounded by such amazing people (like yourself) that continue to motivate me and push harder every day. You show me that anything is possible.

      I have only been to Memphis once (during my move from PA to TX) and that was only for one night. I would LOVE to meet you in TN or TX for a run. That would be so cool! Count me in!

  4. Dacia, this is so beautifully written! I just love this post.

    And if you and Kristy get together to run in TN, count me in! I live above Nashville!

  5. Thanks Jess! I am glad you understand my 'voice' when I write. I am always afraid people won't interpret my words how I mean them.

    Yes, for sure if I make it up to TN I will definitelt let you know. And if you (or Kristy) have a fun event on the horizon let me know!

  6. I love this post! We are on different points in our paths. I am at the begining of mine and you are somewhere in the middle of yours. I do feel like one day our paths will cross and we might be at the same point but right now I am only working towards one foot in front of the other and one step at a time.

    I do not know your whole story but I would like to learn it :) Because I am (weight wise) where you started, though now a few lbs lighter :)
