Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I found my inspiration this morning when I came across this post from Fit and Free With Emily. I loved it so I totally stole this idea. Here is what I am up to currently…

Thinking…that I need to come up with some ideas or topics to write about. I have been so uninspired lately when it comes to writing. Is it because all of my energy is being poured into other outlets? I am starting to think so.

Feeling…relaxed. Or maybe tired. Some days I can’t tell the difference. I would like to believe though that I am just finally beginning to relax and calm down after a whirlwind few weeks at work and it feels nice.

Watching…I don’t watch much TV. Lately it has only been on to watch the NHL playoffs and now that the Flyers are out- I am not as concerned. However, while watching hockey Saturday night E and I stumbled across this TV show called ‘My Cat from Hell’ and ended up watching it for hours. Lo and behold, it’s on Netflix so we have taken to watching it nightly. I don’t know why. We don’t have cats. I am a dog person. This show actually reaffirms how much of a dog person I really am. But regardless, we keep watching.

Excited…to be flying home in TWO WEEKS! E and I are headed north to Philly on 5/21 to spend the weekend with friends and family. I am beyond excited. This will be E’s first trip to Philly so I am definitely going to take him to all the touristy places (yes, we will run up the art museum steps) and of course hit some breweries, go to a Phillies game and eat all the food! He has been told to bring his stretchy pants ;)

Missing…my friends. I am super excited to see my BFF in 2 weeks when I am home but seeing her but once (maybe twice) a year is sucky. Also, I miss my dogs. Every day. It hasn’t gotten easier. I still cry over them all the time. I hear they are doing great; they have a big yard to play in and two little girls that love them to pieces. That makes me happy. Really happy. But I still miss them.


Reading…right now I am in the middle of reading two books- ‘Divergent’, because I liked the movie so much and am a sucker for series’, and ‘All New Square Foot Gardening, Second Edition: The Revolutionary Way to Grow More In Less Space’ because I am in the beginning stages of building my own raised bed vegetable/fruit garden.

Wondering…if I missed my true calling and in actuality I should be an animal farmer, not an analyst. I had the absolute best time out at the farm Sunday. I wish I lived closer. I knew that I had a big soft spot for pretty much all living creatures but now I wish I had some alpaca and sheep of my own.


Working…I am so lucky to have a really great job with awesome coworkers- it’s a blessing for sure. I am also very lucky to have great benefits (an insane amount of annual leave) and perks (6 credits hours free per semester). I also have the pleasure of working with the bf, even though we work in different departments and our jobs rarely intersect. It’s still nice having him around. When I moved to Pensacola I didn’t think this job would amount to much, as I only thought I would be here for a year. Man, was I wrong. The stars aligned for me here at UWF, for oh so many reasons. I am thankful.

Stressed…a few weeks ago I was SUPER stressed. Work was the most chaotic it had ever been, finals were quickly approaching, it was rough. But thankfully my awesome bf planned an uber relaxing weekend including a beach trip and a couple’s massage. It was nice. Exactly what the doctor ordered. And now that work has calmed down and finals are now behind me I am back to life as normal, which is pretty stress free.


Proud…I am sure you have probably heard the news all over social media about my friend Brooke (*last time I checked her blog site was down due to the overwhelming volume of site traffic)  and how she stood up to Shape magazine. The skinny is that Brooke was asked to be featured online as a success story (because the girl lost freaking 172 lbs) she agreed, was interviewed and submitted before and after photos and that was that. Until she was told that Shape does not publish bikini photos (HA! Yeah, right- I didn’t buy it either) after they reviewed the photos she submitted and requested a photo with her covered up. Here’s the thing- extreme weight loss is extreme. It takes a big toll on your body. I know, mine was a war zone after losing 130 lbs. Brooke did it the right way- slow loss through small changes, exercise, and eating good whole foods. Because of this, Brooke has been able to maintain her loss (for almost a year now) but even when we do everything ‘right’ our bodies can only change so much. Brooke, just like me, was left with lots of loose skin. But you know what, she owns it. She is confident in her skin. She took a photo last summer in a bikini (this photo inspired me to buy/wear my first one last June) and she looks great. That is the same photo she submitted to Shape magazine online, the same photo that gave me courage to show my skin, the same photo that said ‘you know what world- this is me and I am freaking beautiful’, the same photo that showed the world what weight loss can sometimes look like, and it was the one they said NO to. Too bad for them because Brooke is awesome. People needed to see her, hear her story. And thankfully, because Brooke had the courage to say no, millions of people have. Yesterday she was the #1 story on Yahoo, she was on Buzzfeed, E! online, and Cosmo to name a few. Today she found out she would be headed to NY to be on the Today Show. All because she stood up for herself. Which is awesome! Good for you Brooke, you are beyond deserving of all of this!


Wanting…to be outside. ALL. THE. TIME. Spring is here, which means we are probably days away from summer here in FL, and I just want to be outside all the time. This week instead of going to the gym I am spending my evenings doing yardwork. Mainly because it is time I get to spend out in the sun, doing work that I love, but also because it is a necessity. Trying to get my garden built and planted before the weekend hits. Because the weekend is meant for the beach J

Wishing...I had brought an alpaca home with me from GA. I like to tease Erick that I am going to create a Kickstarter project to fund my alpaca/sheep/goat farm. One day…..


Eating…I ate the best veggie burger EVER while up in Atlanta. E and I went to Grindhouse Burgers TWICE (Friday and Sunday) because they were just that good. If the alapaca farm doesn’t pan out I am seriously thinking about seeing if I could franchise a Grindhouse and open it up here in Pensacola.


Drinking…while at Grindhouse I was able to try for the first time the Hell or High Watermelon from 21st Amendment out in SF. Erick was out there last fall and had some at the brewery (lucky!) and I was so jealous. So, when we walked into the burger joint only to see they had it we both freaked out. We had a couple both times we were there. We also made a trip by a liquor store and bought up their entire stock. I will be enjoying this all summer long! I have to note here that normally my go-to summer beer is the Abita Strawberry Harvest- this is sooooo much better!

Loving…I am totally loving life right now. I really have not a single complaint. The weather is great, I am planting a garden, I am moving in with the bf, I still have a week off until summer term begins, I live in one of the most amazing cities (our World of Beer has a kitchen now!) and I get to go on so many crazy adventures. I am happy. And I am completely head over heels in love. With my life J

Love and hugs,


  1. I'm soooo happy you're happy girl! And I can tell by your pictures and Facebook posts :)
