Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Self Care

As part of the wedding planning I had to set up a beauty and fitness plan. Now I think I mentioned before that my beauty plan is pretty minimal. It's basically just making sure I moisturize daily and to always wear sunblock.

As part of my fitness plan I mapped out the year (well now months) leading up to the wedding to determine when I will be training for races and when I will be focusing on completing fitness programs, like PiYO. That was a pretty big deal for me, to create a year long fitness plan. It's something I had never done before. I don't usually think that big picture. I am more of a monthly or weekly planner but a year. Sheesh.

Anywho, since I am more of a month by week by day kind of gal I am also focusing on creating goals for each of these and tracking them in a google doc. I am now into month two, which started on Monday the 23rd. I am using Brooke's goal tracking sheet (that I have recreated in excel) and have created my goals.

This month's goals are very similar to last month's goals with the exception of adding in two new ones. Primarily my goals have been focused around eating (tracking, meal planning, limiting eating out) and training (30 minutes of activity daily, following half marathon training plan, cross training) and that works ok, But these goals aren't all encompassing enough for what I need right now. These goals are missing the mental/spiritual portion of my life. I was missing self care. 

So, in order to try and create goals that better represented the balanced life I am hoping for I added in a new daily and weekly goal. 

Daily: 30 minutes of me time - this could be 30 minutes spent reading, listening to a podcast, taking a warm bath, meditation, etc. This does not include time spent on social media. To me, that is just not relaxing. I need to carve aside time that is spent just focusing on me, not time spent distracted by other people's lives. 

Weekly: Self Care - each week I need to get in self care activities such as rest days, ice baths, epsom soaks, yoga/stretching, reading (not for school). Basically I need to make sure I am taking time every week to take care of my body and my mind.

It will definitely take time to get used to setting aside 30 minutes a day of just me time but I think the benefits received from it will be exceptionally great for me. What may seem like a sacrifice at first will probably end up feeling like a gift in the end. Which is exactly what I need.

I love this little is more than just food and activity!

Do you practice daily or weekly self care activities? What is your favorite way to focus on your mental well being? 

Love and hugs,

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