Friday, September 20, 2013


Just the other day I was talking with a friend/co-worker of mine. He kind of knows a bit of my story (you know, the whole I lost a whole normal sized person’s worth of weight thing) and I kind of tell him here and there about how that has changed me.

Changed me in ways I couldn’t have even begun to imagine.

Yesterday I started to tell him about this part of my story. The blog. The network I have because of it. The insane affect social media has had on my life. The support. The friendships. The bestest of memories. And how I really would not be where I am today without any of it.

Did he fully understand it? Probably not. I tried to paint a good picture but it’s hard to really understand this relationship, this lifestyle, unless you live it.

But one of the things I really could not stress to him enough was the mental aspect of weight loss. How working through my underlying issues (some of them I am sure are still buried inside me somewhere) was way more difficult than losing the weight. That trying to find acceptance in myself (and others) is often at times challenging, and has definitely at times felt impossible. That the unconscious habit of comparing myself to other people has yet to go away. How every day (even 123 pounds later) I still have to make a conscious effort to implement the plans I set for myself, the ones that will get me to my goals.

Has it gotten easier? Sure. After 31 months I would hope it would. But every day isn’t easy. There are setbacks. Days I just want to throw my hands up and say eff it all. Days where I hide from my friends, my network, because I am ashamed. Days when someone else’s progress and achievement makes me feel bad about myself. It happens.

I’m human.

But I am getting better. And yes, it is getting easier.

Today, I am proud of me.

Today, I know I am doing the best I can in this moment.

Today, I know I have a plethora of resources available to help me through anything in my life.

Today, I love myself a whole hell of a lot more than I did 31 months ago.

Today, I know I am worth it.

And that is awesome…

For me.

But through this journey, my journey, I learned my life is so much more than just me. It’s way more than what I need and what my goals are.

My life became about all of you, too.

About trying to be a better friend.

About trying to be someone else’s support system.

A resource for others to reach out and find.

A helping hand.

And above all a person who can show others they are important. That they are beautiful and smart and funny and loving and all the wonderful things that make them who they are. A person who stops with the judging and helps others to do the same. A person that can help others find acceptance, their self-love, just like so many women in my life have helped me do.

I really just want to be a person that can do some good. Give back all that has been given to me. To make the people in my life feel as awesome and loved as they make me feel.

I want to do more.

I am filled with so much gratitude and hope and strength and encouragement and I just want to share that with you.

So, I ask you this…how?

How can I be that person?

Serious question here folks, I really don’t know. I just know I want to do more.

This picture is completely irrelevant to the post. Just wanted to share another one of my happy places. Me and my favrorite tree- Smiley :)


  1. There is nothing else you need to do. You are participating in social media, not just nabbing all the good vibes.

    For every person you get encouragement from I am betting at least two draw inspiration and motivation from you.

    Really, we should thank you. :-)

  2. I have to agree. By sharing your journey the way you do - the ups and downs - it shows the human side of you and the journey. Some of the things you've gone through and shared are things that every person (women especially) have at least cross their mind through their own journey. I have grown so sick of seeing the "I lost 100 pounds and love my new body" because I've lost 50 pounds and hate my body now. I honestly felt like I was the only one until reading your blog. It made me realize I'm not the only one that feels that way. You have helped me find some confidence and the perserverance in myself when I've wanted to throw in the towel. And I know I'm not the only one that's getting these kinds of things, and more.

    Keep doing what you're doing with sharing your story the way you do. I think each person that reads your blog takes away what will help them in their own way. I think that the only thing more you could possibly do is become some sort of affordable personal trainer in your spare time to help those that know they need help but have a hard time finding or affording that help.

    1. Racheal- thank you so much for your kindness. You always leave such great feedback. I am so glad that you see my blog as an accurate representation of what life is like before, during, and after weight loss. I try to talk openly and honestly and not hide away the bad parts for that reason- so other people don't feel so alone. Because when I was 286 and I hadn't even started blogging (or even for awhile there at the beginning) I felt oh so alone. It is was difficult. But I am lucky. I found others online that knew what it felt like to be that heavy, to be in that much pain, to experience fatigue just from walking a short bit. It helped me get to where I am now and all I want to do is help others. So they know they are not alone and that really anything is possible...with a little work, encouragement, and kindness :)

  3. Seriously Dacia, you already are that person. You are amazing & have unlimited energy training for a tri, working, going to school & being a great wife! I have grown so much just reading & interacting with you. I am really not a very outgoing person. Striking up a conversation in person is not easy for me but is getting easier.

    1. Wow! Thank you Mark. I really appreciate that. You are very kind and you have been an amazing resource for me as a friend and an athlete. You are awesome!
